Tell Me Who To Kill | Motorhead |

Tell Me Who To Kill

Testo Tell Me Who To Kill

Don‘t you listen to me, it don‘t make no sense
The way things are, I just can‘t see
Seems like things got too intense
Stand up straight and talk to me

Standup right keep your fingers still
Pretty sure I think I know you now
I just got to know, so whisper sweet and low
Speak the name, tell me who to kill

Just tell me the truth, can‘t you work it out
The way you live, is a mystery
Hard to figure, guess there ain‘t no doubt
Tell the truth, what do you see

Be afraid I‘m sure you know the drill
Pretty sure I think you know me now
Don‘t say it‘s unfair, I‘ll hit you with a chair
Speak the name, tell me who to kill

So it comes to this, maybe it‘s the truth
Dangerous, is how it seems
Burning fit to raise the roof
Turn around, tell me your dreams

Come on in tell me who you are
I swear to god, I know you well
I just have to find some blessed peace of mind
Step up close tell me who to kill

Talk to me, talk to me
Tell me who to kill, wanna know
I want to know
Tell me who to kill

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